Category: News

Commodity Exchange To Attract Agric Funding

Commodity Exchange To Attract Agric Funding

Herald: The Zimbabwe Mercantile Xchange (ZMX), a recently established electronic agricultural commodity trading platform,could become the gateway for increased private sector investment into agriculture, a senior official said. Escrow group, which operates the newly introduced commodity exchange, chief executive officer Collen Tapfumaneyi, said the platform may attract much needed investment into this strategically important sector....

No maize at commodities exchange

No maize at commodities exchange

The much-awaited commodities exchange — Zimbabwe Mercantile Exchange (ZMX), will comply with Statutory Instrument 145 of 2019 (SI 145) on trading of strategic grain such as maize, which will for now remain a responsibility for the Grain Marketing Board (GMB). The ZMX has 18 commodities that will trade on the exchange. But in the meantime,...

Zimbabwe Mercantile Exchange to launch August 13th

Zimbabwe Mercantile Exchange to launch August 13th

Efforts to enhance Zimbabwe’s markets and financial systems are in full swing as many of the promises that have been made come to fruition though success may vary. The Victoria Falls Stock Exchange, The Zimbabwe Receivables exchange and the bringing of the first ETF to the ZSE have all been rolled out. Now the next...

Commodities exchange ready to open

Commodities exchange ready to open

Government has promulgated statutory Instrument (SI)184 of 2021 that will operationalize the much-awaited agriculture commodities exchange, the Zimbabwe Mercantile Exchange (ZMX). In this regard the exchange originally scheduled for launch during the first quarter of 2021 is expected to go live this month following the establishment of the rules and regulations. Through the SI, the...